The beauty of the Tip

The tip is most suitable with saree. The tip doesn't fit with western style clothes, but even with jeans fatwa, many people are drawing different shaped tips on their foreheads. Those who can afford it can also wear the tip with western style clothes if they want. A very short round tip or a long tip on the forehead can also be matched with a long skirt of native design. How it looks will also depend on the other accessories of the outfit. It doesn't go well with very modern or junk jewelry. But even then, the word remains, it can be worn if someone adapts.

If the tip is stone
There is no way to know what is in the forehead, just a little sparkle. This is exactly the tip of the iceberg. A small bit is the tip of the stone, its color is also available in the color of the necklace.

Normal tip
The normal tip is found on readymade leaves. Readymade tip is available to buy with the change of time. In this case, the movement of the red tip is more. However, different color tips are also available.

The tip is drawn on the forehead keeping it straight with the dress. Which is called alpana. Variety comes in the use of different colors.

Fashion-loving women wear 2-3 types of tips for exceptional outfits. Alpana is painted with a stone or a simple round tip.

Kumkum has been around since ancient times. Even in this modern age, many people draw the tip of kumkum on their foreheads.

Round face
Tips of all sizes are usually adapted to round faces. However, it is better to press the long shape.

Long face
If the face is long, wear a round tip. You can adapt quite well.

If the forehead is big
If the forehead is big, not small, wear a slightly larger tip than the middle.

If the forehead is small
Too big a tip is not suitable for a small forehead. If the size of the tip is small, it should be worn along the middle of the two eyebrows.

If the tip is large
If the tip is large and medium, wear it slightly above the eyebrows. Those with a pair of eyebrows will also wear the tip a little above. And always choose a brightly colored tip.

In addition, those who are a little fancy in nature can roll the gold tip if they want. In gold shops, different shaped tips can be made with gold and stone according to the design of choice.

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